Kids and Auntie Bloo Only! Keep Out Grown-ups!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Yack

I have a pet snake with zebra stripes on his back
When he looks in the mirror he wants to go yack.
So he takes a bite of cheese
And says, "Attention please, I am now a yack."

© Auntie Bloo and The Frog


Me me me
It's all about me
When I look in the mirror all I see is me
Just a tiny bit of you
Just a tiny bit of you
Me me me
It's all about me...

© The Frog

Let's Write Poems

Let's write poems as much as we can think
Let's write poems until we cannot think.
Let's write poems a bunch of different ways
Let's write poems on all the rainy days.

© The Frog

Hoomphity Doomphity Doomph

Hoomphity doomphity doomph
I am the giant of hoomph.
I hoomph along the city streets
With giant hoomphity leaps,
Saying hello to all my peeps.
Hoomphity doomphity doomph
I am the giant of hoomph.

© Auntie Bloo and The Frog

Peach Tree Pie

I planted a peach tree in the pool
When I got home from school.
It grew so tall it grew so high,
That it was gleaming in the pie
It was delicious, it was great
My mom had a smile while she ate.
She was surprised that I baked this pie just for her
just for her
just for her.

© Auntie Bloo and The Frog

Monday, August 15, 2011


Mijee is the color of my house
Mijee is the color of my skin
Mijee is the color of my socks
Inside the mijee box.

Mijee makes me happy
Mijee makes me sing
Mijee is the color of the Mijee king.

Mijee-mijee is such a nice color,
Come color with me
And you will see
Mijee is the best of all colors.

© Auntie Bloo and The Frog

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Puppet Strings

Puppet strings
puppet strings 
light the night of puppet strings.
All the puppets ming and ding 
all the night of puppet strings.
They ring the bell of the night of  puppet strings.
The puppets love the night of puppet strings.
But... never bother the puppet while there having the night of puppet strings
or else...

© The Frog


Pulling fire from the sky,
Say hello to Firefly.
Firefly, Firefly, such beautiful light,
But don't get to close! He might bite...
Fire fire on a wick.

© Auntie Bloo and The Frog